Saturday, 16 March 2019

Trichy Court Recruitment - 8th Eligible - Office Assistant - Rs.50,000 Salary

Trichy District Court Recruitment 2019

Applications are invited from qualified Candidates for the post of Office Assistant in Trichy District Court

Name of the Department - Trichy District Court

Name of the Post - Office Assistant

Educational Qualification - Minimum 8th Standard

No. Of Vacancies - 25

Salary - Rs.15,700 to 50,000

Age limit - 18 to 30 Years of age.

Age relaxation available as per Government Order (refer official Notification)

Apply mode: Offline - By post
Application to be Sent to the Address given on Official Notification

Date of Notification - 11.03.2019
Last Date - 22.03.2019

How to Fill the Application & apply :
1. It is to be ensured that the photograph on the application is affixed properly and self attestation is made on the photograph.
2. Name of the post for which the applicant applies, should be written correctly. If the name of the post is not filled up properly, the application will be rejected.
3. Name of the applicant, both in Tamil and English, should be filled up in Sl.No.1, withreference to the Educational Certificates.
4. Name of the Father/Mother/Guardian should be filled up properly with reference to the Educational Certificates and other Certificates available in the candidates. The women candidates are required to fill up the initial as per Educational Certificates. If the initial of women candidates have been changed by due publication, the copy of the Gazette shouldbe submitted along with the application.
5. The gender of the candidate should be noted down i.e, whether he belongs to Male/Female/ Transgender.
6. Academic Educational Qualification, that the candidate possessed, should be filled up properly by by showing as follows: 8th std., 10th std., 12th std., Graduate, Post Graduate as the case may be. The candidate should mention the Educational Qualification which he has attained lastly. However, the copies of Certificates of Educational Qualification of 8thstd., 10th std., 12th std., Graduate, Post Graduate, as per the claim of the candidate are to be submitted. If the candidate possesses technical education qualification, he/she has tosubmit the copy of the certificates concerned.
7. While filling up of the column concerning the Caste, the candidate has to fill up properly, whether he/she belongs to O.C, B.C., BC Muslims, MBC or DNC, SC or ST. After writingthe caste, the Sub Caste is also to be noted in the next prescribed column.
8. Nationality and the religion of the candidate should be filled up properly.
9. Place of birth should be noted, by noting down the Taluk and the District, where the candidates is born.
10. Marital status should be filled up in column No.11
11. Permanent address should be filled up correctly. A copy of identity proof, showing theresidential address of the candidate, should be submitted.
12. Previous experience, if any possessed by the candidate, should be noted down.
13. The copy of the certificate for claiming priority should be enclosed with the application.
14. If the candidate claim to have studied in Tamil Medium, PSTM certificate, obtained fromthe institution, would be submitted.
15. And other coluOfns should be filled up properly.

Important instructions to Candidates :
1. All applications should be submitted in the prescribed format (which should bedownloaded from the website of this court noted below), only by post.
2. The application sent in a postal cover sent by an applicant should contain only oneapplication. More than one applications should not be sent in a postal enveloe.
3. The name of the post, for which the application is submitted, should be enteredscrupulously in the appropriate place in the application and on top of the envelope containing the application.
4. The passport size photograph of the candidates should be properly affixed on the application and the same should also be self attested by the applicant. If thephoto of the applicant is not available at the time of scrutiny of applications, due to the fact of shifting the applications from one place to another place, the applicationwill be rejected. Further, the administration will not be held responsible for loss ofthe photograph on the application. Hence, the candidates of the advised to ensure that the photos are properly affixed.
5. All the copies of certificates with reference to the claim made by the applicant in the application should be submitted and the same is also to be duly self attested.However, the candidates should submit all the original certificates, testimonials and proof of identity at the time of Interview. The photograph should not be stapledand the photograph should be affixed in the appropriate place.
6. All further communications/Memo/Intimation for Examination/interview
should be made only through website
No communication will be sent to the applicants individually, other than thecommunication made in the website (unless circumstances warranted so),and so the applicants are advised to observe further communication in the website.
7. Only copies of certificates should be submitted along with the application and all the copies of certificates should duly be self attested by the applicant. Original certificates need not be sent along with the applications. If the copies of certificates, submitted along with the application, and the photograph affixed on
the applications, are not self-attested, the application will be rejected, without any notice.
8. All the columns in the application should be duly filled in and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
9. If any of the claim of the applicant as noted in the application is found to be false,the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled without any notice.
10. On claiming priority, the copy of certificate with regard to the priority should beenclosed with the application. Failure to adhere the same will lead to the rejectionof the application.
11. On claiming preference in Tamil Medium, the copy of such documents showing theindividual having studied in Tamil Medium, should be enclosed with the application.
12. The applicants should submit a copy of any one of the following Identity Cards inproof of their residence (presently residing and noted in the application) along withthe applications in comparison with the photo identity.
1. Driving Licence.
2. The first page of Bank Passbook
3. Voter's I.D.
4. Ration Card.

Application form Model

Official Notification - CLICK HERE

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